Friday, December 24, 2010

On Lentils and Blueberries

I am very interested in food in general and my son's nutrition in particular. For the past 11 months he has had almost nothing that was not made by my hands with the best possible intentions. I think what he eats, particularly at this early age, is of utmost importance. I have to say I am in no way a perfect eater myself, but that little tummy is only so big and I don't want to put anything in it that does not have true value. I try not to be judgmental on this topic, I really do, but it KILLS me when little ones eat junk. I figure I have about 5 years at maximum to push my diet agenda before he is overly influenced by his friends and ends up eating McNuggets. Oh, my heart! In the meantime, the only things I have given that I haven't made myself are: Babys Only Organic Formula (would have breast fed until a year but could not keep up when I started working), Happy Baby cereals (I use the organic whole grain cereal now and it's made with excellent stuff), Happy Baby Puffs (only at day care because he needed something for when the other kids have snacks- I also send raising and blueberries), canned organic beans now and then and just recently Trader Joe's freeze dried mango, blueberry and banana. These are great; while they are unfortunately not organic, which gives me chest pains, they have only one ingredient, which is the fruit itself, and the freeze dried consistency melts in your mouth. It is a challenge to make all of his food, that is for sure. That is why I myself will occasionally pick up a rotisserie chicken or even order out. I work full time! But I had this baby because I wanted to try to do it right, and damn it I am going to try to do that! So far it seems to be going super great. He loves loves vegetables, fruit and meat. He will eat just about anything with gusto. Dinner tonight was steamed broccoli with lemon, red lentils, meatballs made with turkey, potato and spinach with a little olive oil and baked (everything organic needless to say) with blueberries and some freeze dried banana for dessert. He also drinks water like a champ, no fruit juice. I always through fruit juice was healthy but when I had gestational diabetes I learned that it's just not that good for you. I have to say I am proud of myself. I have looked longingly at the jarred baby foods, especially the high end organics, and thought "ohhhh I could just grab one of those..." but I have always refrained and now they are less of a temptation since he likes chunky foods. Of course on that note things have gotten easier as he has grown, since things don't need to be pureed anymore (except I still make applesauce to put in his morning cereal) and he can eat many things that we eat too. It is my sincere hope that as my friend at says, I am setting his palate for life!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great. Every child should be so well fed. Yup, juice is empty calories. We do orange juice here but that's about it. We go through spells of eating better and worse but you have the right idea. He knows that real fruits and veggies taste good and that veggies don't need to be fried or drenched in cheese to be tasty. People (kids AND adults) get their palates adjusted to over salted, over sweetened foods and it's no wonder they would rather have fast food over whole foods. It's not easy because in our culture crap food is so pervasive. But awareness is increasing and more healthy options are available even in the mainstream grocery stores. You are doing him a huge favor by feeding him so well. And even past 5 you will have a strong influence, even if he does have occasional junk. My kids are very healthy at 11 and 9. They rarely get sick and I believe a big part of that is their diet. Keep up the great work but also don't put too much pressure on yourself as it is hard to do it all. :-)
