Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am so excited, my big boy (one year and 4 days--- a "toddler" now!!! still my baby love) is finally liking goat yogurt. It took a few tries but today he had half a container of this, blueberry flavor
for his snack. Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk, easier to break down the enzymes, and has really great health benefits. I want to try to avoid giving him a ton of cow milk dairy, so this is a big triumph in my little world.

PS I tried sheep too- I am going with this goat one because it is easier to find and comes in flavors.

The diet is still my big project and I am really enjoying finding new ways to nourish the little man. Now he can have dairy, eggs (we have our own chickens so this is super exciting!) and honey so that opens up a lot of options, including easy items like the yogurt or organic cheese that offer protein and fat while being easy to chew for a guy with six teeth. This little man is barely 4th percentile in weight but 98th in height! He is walking and never stops moving, just like from the time he was in the womb, so he burns his calories quick!

We are home in the snow today. Breakfast was Happy Baby organic multi grain cereal with banana and blueberry in it. I keep giving this baby cereal even though he could eat regular oatmeal because grains are always a challenge for me to get into his diet, and this is made with amaranth, oats and quinoa and has probiotics! Snack was half a container of blueberry goat yogurt. Now we are ready for lunch- we will do avocado and chicken.

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